Stable like a tree, flexible like a bamboo
There are times in our life, when we are confronted with an overwhelming succession of situations, not knowing what to do and how to handle them. Our conditioned ways do not work, life seems to throw us about, leaving us confused and helpless. We do need a center, something we can hold onto, which gives us a security, a direction in life to act and not to react.
This is, where our practice of mindfulness comes in!
Consciousness is the basic quality of our human mind, giving us the strength to step back and see the situation with clarity. This clarity of mind, this ability to be stable in a situation and not compulsively react, is the door to our essential human qualities. It gives rise to the "considering mind", staying with a situation without any preferences and preoccupations, but having access to different options how to act - and not react!
We do "know" how to respond according to the situation, because now the ground is prepared for our "unconditioned, limitless human states of mind" to flourish. Whatever we do and think rises out of the concern for others and for the well-being of all of us.
That is what we are practicing for!
This practice time is mainly for our Dharma friends from the Israeli Sangha. However, our Israeli friends would be very happy if German speaking friends would also participate!
Please note that the lectures are held in English and the language of communication during these days will be English.
Special reduced prices apply for this retreat!
Entire period = 7 nights including all meals:
Single room (with shower/toilet): € 570
Double room (with shower/toilet): € 500 per person
Nach mehrjährigen Aufenthalten in Asien-vorwiegend in Indien und Sri Lanka- und Leben in großen, internationalen spirituellen Gemeinschaften in England und den USA (Baghwan-Osho-Communities) fanden sie ihre geistige Heimat in der buddhistischen Lehre. Ihre Praxis und ihr Verständnis vertieften sie durch Aufenthalte in Klöstern in Sri Lanka und Thailand, in Zen-Sessions und schließlich nahmen sie das Studium des tibetischen Buddhismus am Lama Tzong Khapa Institut in Italien auf. Dort begegneten sie im Jahre 1992 Thich Nhat Hanh. Sie folgten ihm kurz darauf nach Plum-Village, wo sie sechs Jahre lebten und praktizierten. Sie wurden 1994 in der traditionellen Zeremonie der „Übertragung der Lampe“ als Dharmalehrer eingesetzt.
1999 gründeten sie gemeinsam mit Karl Schmied das Intersein-Zentrum, das sie seither organisatorisch und spirituell leiten.
Anmeldung für dieses Seminar:
Stable like a tree, flexible like a bamboo
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