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I open my heart and give myself to the world
When we open our hearts, we open a door through which we ourselves step out. Leaving our mental narrowness, our self-centeredness, our judgment, our fear and reaching out to you, to the other, to the world. It expresses itself through benevolence, care, respect, love and compassion.

Becoming human
To be „human“ requires a clear spiritual process that supports us in expanding and leaving behind our current, conditioned and self-centered mental world in such a way that we can face life with a clear mind and an open heart.

Stable like a Tree, flexible like a Bamboo
There are times in our life, when we are confronted with overwhelming situations, not knowing what to do and how to handle them. This is when the practice comes in!

Being is always Inter-Being
The term „Interbeing“ – coined by Thich Nhat Hanh – expresses the mutual interdependence and interweaving of all that exists, as well as mutual conditionality, which excludes an isolated independent self.